Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Digital Scrapbook

          Are you searching for digital scrapbook website? Many people search for a great website that can use their pictures to make a slideshow or video. There are many websites that people can use such as Photobucket and Photoshow. These websites have some similarities but also some differences. Both of them are comfortable to use, however; Photoshow has more features than Photobucket.
          The first website that I used was Photobucket. The slideshow was made automatically when the photos were uploaded to the website. In addition, it was convenient because I was able to share the video with only one click. It was easy to make it, but there were some disappointments. The program didn't let the users to add music or change the format of the slideshow. Also, the clearness was not that good.
          Photoshow was the second website which was very easy to use. The program told the readers what to do step by step. I was able to add music, background, style, and many more features that I wanted to put in. We could also change the speed of the video that I made. Sharing the video was quickly done by the website. When the video was done, it was very cool and clear.
          Both Photobucket and Photoshow were convenient websites for users and make great slideshows. However, Photoshow had lots more features such as music and style compared to Photobucket. Therefore, Photoshow is a better site than Photobucket for making a digital scrapbook, and I am going to use this site in the future.



Monday, December 1, 2014

Scavenger Hunt

Contact Sheet

I went to Adobe Photoshop C36 (64 Bit). Then, I went to File-Automate-Contact Sheet II. I made 3 columns and 5 rows, and chose Scavenger hunt for the file. Lastly, I saved it as a JPEG file, and named it Contact Sheet.

I picked this because it was my first picture, and this is my favorite because it is very complicated. This card is has lots of small things in it even though we can't see it all.
I picked this because I think that it was creative. This is my favorite because it is secretive. People forget that this camera is watching us.

The reason why I picked this one is because it was hard to think of it, and the bright colors are why this is my favorite. Blue and red are two opposing colors so I picked them as opposing forces.
I picked this because the falcon was very nice. The texture of this falcon is interesting so I like this one. Falcon is a significant animal because it is our school's mascot.

I picked this picture because it was one of the easiest to take. The long shot of the hallway makes it cool and interesting. This is a long shot of a student walking to his locker.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


I don't know a lot of things about photography and photo editing because I don't like taking pictures. I take pictures with my phone, and when I take pictures, I don't edit them. Therefore, I do not have good knowledge about it. By editing the photo, we can change many things of the photo such as color and size. Sometimes it is exciting to edit them, but I usually don't have any interest.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

My Infographic

I used easel.ly to make my infographic about global warming.

"Global Warming Statistics." Statistic Brain RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2014. 
"Home." Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

"25 Alarming Global Warming Statistics." List25. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014



An infographic is a picture that explains a topic with several statistics. Infograpics help people to understand better about the topic. The way that they work is that you put the topic and add information that has number in it. A really good infographic contains nice colors, reliable data and statistics. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 9 2014

My favorite app on my phone is 'Clash of Clans' which is one of the most successful games. People from all over the world play this game. In this game, you have to build your own base and attack other bases to get trophies. By attacking other bases, you can also get coins and elixirs that can help you to develop your bases stronger and better. There are many kinds of attack units that has different powers. I personally think that the dragons are the best attach units. I love this game, and I am going to play this game until I'm really good at it!


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 7th 2014

I really like the city that I live in which is Overland Park. The reason why I like this city is because it is safer than other cities such as Los Angeles. Also, Overland Park is not crowded like New York which makes me feel better. The best things in Kansas are the sports team such as Sporting Kansas City, Kansas Jayhawk, Kansas City Chiefs, and Kansas City Royals. Recently, Royals is playing really well on every game. My favorite team is Sporting Kansas City because I love to play soccer. 
